
Historical & Geographical Field Trips & Sites

Information / Instructions
Historical & Geographical Field Trips & Sites

Old description and form below.

Close this description to view the map!

There are so many places to visit in Quebec that can provide teachers and students with opportunities for learning their own history (and geography!). These include museums, historical sites, parks, etc., that are often just around the corner with exhibitions that emphasize local history, stories, and experiences making learning more relevant... and fun!

We are just starting to find and list sites that can be visited in your area!

At present, our working map of sites to visit is located here on our new Cartograf map. (Close this window and zoom in and out).

Eventually the main page for our list will be on LEARN at

If you represent a museum or historically/geographically important site, or you would just like to share a place worth visiting with your social sciences class!, please add any information about the site via this Google form.