Teacher's Scenario

The demands and struggles of nationhood: Rebellions of 1837-38

Essential Question Suggestions:
Were the Rebellions of 1837-38 about nationalism or liberalism?
Why do we fight?

Learning Intentions
To describe the main events of the Rebellions in Lower Canada
To describe the main events of the Rebellions in Upper Canada
To compare and contrast the Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada

Note: The map linked to below is used to demonstrate the location of various documents already contained in the document collection entitled # 38: The demands and struggles of nationhood: Rebellions of 1837-38 available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S3vFkBrC_rLPXYTJi-86YVayQiCXyJ8scXsGR8MF9Ns/edit?usp=sharing

Suggested Cartograf Document and Mapping Task:
-Student organize available documents, in terms of time and/space:
-Students begin by reading through and selecting only the most relevant facts/documents for each of the two rebellions. They follow source links to view original sites and to gather information on the context of the fact/person/event described, or to find other images and texts to use.
-Groups could use printed versions of the documents, to sequence them each into two separate timelines of sorts, one for each rebellion.
-Using a mapping tool like Cartograf, students could locate key documents for facts/people/events and insert that information into points on their digital map.
-Students could compare maps of the two rebellions, from other groups let's say, and explain the differences between the two rebellions in terms of people, location, causes, etc.

Click to visit the sample mapping of some of the rebellion locations at

Note: Two complex tasks are suggested in the associated document collection:
Task: Characterize the Rebellions in terms of the question: “Were the Rebellions of 1837-38 about nationalism or liberalism?”
Task: Compare rebellions in terms of aspects, events, ideas, etc.
Visit the collection at http://tinyurl.com/jfoaaot