Learning Scenario

Christianization of West 1 - Situating Romans, Christians and Muslims

Map Christianzation Of West

Situate in time and space! IO 1 Situatetimespace

For each event listed below, research the details of what happened, and who was involved. Then try to locate “where” the event occurred, or choose an appropriate location for the importance, effect, or consequences of this event.
Antiquity And Middle Ages Timeline
Place the event and the information you find on a map. In Cartograf you can then add information to that point to explain the event and the choice of location.

Main Resource (1):
Note that some of the events are already done on this sample map. Feel free to copy this map and start from here. If you are a teacher you can also copy the map and edit out the "examples". And, of course, this activity could work well in groups, whereby different students work on different events then you share them together using the same share code. (See the Help section for more information.)

To go further:
View the Google Slides deck for Christianity 1 - Situate in Time and Space. Take notes about other key locations

Use either points or lines to add at least 5 other key locations, events, persons or peoples that were mentioned in the suggested videos to your map.

Resources (7) Embedded in Main Map Resource:
Ravenna - Last Capital of Western Roman Empire
Charlemagne throne
Clovis implores God's help at Battle of Tolbiac
Clovis is baptized
Edict of Milan - Mediolanum
The decadence of the Avignon Papacy