Compare Quebec in 1905 and 1980
(A Cartograf scenario by M.E. Frenette and A. Farina, of LBPSB)
Note: If you are logged in you can Duplicate this map and make it yours. Then you will be able to edit the points and write your notes in the description!
Step 1: The territory
You must first trace the territory of Quebec from 1905 to using the DRAW POLYGON icon. It must be coloured
blue. You must title your blue territory drawing "Quebec in 1905".
You must then trace the territory of Quebec in 1980 using the same tool. It must be coloured
red. You must title your red territory drawing "Quebec in 1980".
You can also use the LINES tool if your teacher approves.
For both shapes and lines you can use the SELECT/MODIFY arrow to change its colour and adjust its form!
Step 2: The Population
For the population of Quebec in 1905, you must put a POINT OF INTEREST marker in the town of Gaspé in the Gaspé region. Be careful and zoom right down into the town to place your marker. Then title it "Population in 1905" and write in the description the number of inhabitants in Quebec province at that time.
For the population of Quebec in 1980, you must place another POINT OF INTEREST marker, this time on the city of Montreal. Title it "Population of 1980" and write the number of inhabitants in Quebec at that time in its description. Take care to properly Zoom and put your icon right in Montreal.
Note: You can change your icons for these points. Use the legend tab to add descriptions for your icons too!
Step 3: Agriculture
To learn about agriculture in Quebec in 1905, click on the icon
and view the video. Click the EDIT link on the bottom underneath the video, and in the description window write down some things you have learned about agriculture!
To learn about agriculture in Quebec in 1980, click on the icon
et look at the photos. Click the EDIT link on the bottom underneath the photos, and in the description window write down some things you have learned about agriculture!
Step 4: Means of transportation
You must click on the train line
and compare the use of the train in 1905 and 1980 by completing the description. The train is used for what reasons in each year? To do this, click on EDIT to add your ideas.
You must draw a line from leaving from Ireland and going all the way to Montreal, then edit its title and description to tell about the use of boats for transportation in 1905.
You must draw a line from leaving from Haiti and going to Montreal, and then describe how this route by boat was used in 1980. (You could also draw another line for a plane route!)
Note: You can and should use a different colour for each line. Remember, for both shapes and lines you can use the SELECT/MODIFY arrow to change its colour and adjust its form!