
Brazilian Amazon (Forest Region)

Information / Instructions
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Concept and writing by T. Klankar
Editing and resources by LEARN


To examine and interpret issues surrounding the development and growth of the regional territory of Amazonia.

Note: Whenever you use symbols, colours and icons, you must create a corresponding Legend and include them there!

Location and planning of a forest region:

1. The Amazon: Location of Forest Region
  • Draw the Amazon River
  • Draw its five main tributaries to the south.
  • Draw its five main tributairies to the north.

2. Development of cities
  • Use a symbol to indicate the populous cities of Belem and Manaus.
  • Use a symbol of a ship and mark it near the city of Belem.
  • Use arrows to show that this port is both a means of access to the interior and a pathway for exportation.
  • Use a symbol to indicate the capital city of Brasilia.

3.Major roads of Amazonia
  • Draw the Transamazonian Highway
  • Draw the road linking this highway which passes through Manaus.
  • Draw the two roads that join Brasilia to Belem which cross Amazonia.

Issues affecting a forest region:

4. Cleared zones and human activities
Especially for these tasks, consider zooming in and alternating map technologies from Streets to Satellite views!
  • Use appropriate symbols to indicate the following on the map: Mining and Oil drilling, Logging and farming.
  • Place the Mining and oil drilling symbol in the states of Rondonia, Amapa and Para.
  • Place the logging AND farming symbols in the states of Maranhao, Para , Mato Grosso and Rondonia.

5. Make connections
a) View the video below and read various provided resources on Amazon wildlife.
b) Then add Point of Interest markers at appropriate locations, with attached images and explanations.... to illustrate why the Amazon Rain forest is a protected territory on the World Heritage Site List.


About the Amazon http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/amazon/about_the_amazon/

The Amazon River @ HowStuffWorks http://geography.howstuffworks.com/south-america/the-amazon-river.htm

Central Amazon at National Geographic (must sign in) http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/world-heritage/central-amazon/

Central Amazon Conservation Complex http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/998

NASA Discovers that Amazon is in Real Danger http://guardianlv.com/2013/06/nasa-discovers-that-amazon-is-in-real-danger/

Facts on Overpopulation and Deforestation in the Amazon Basin http://classroom.synonym.com/overpopulation-deforestation-amazon-basin-23665.html

Farming the Amazon http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/habitats/last-of-amazon/#

Amazonian wildlife at BBC

NEOK12 video collection (ask your teacher what to watch)

Rain Forest Warriors: How Indigenous Tribes Protect the Amazon