What is Cartograf?
WELCOME to Cartograf !
Cartograf has been updated and is now stable once pages are loaded. All functions are operational except the drawing functionality on images.WHAT IS CARTOGRAF?
Cartograf is an open-source, interactive and collaborative mapping and drawing application, built for students in Quebec. Anyone is welcome sign up, create and share maps, collect and analyze images, and work collaboratively on class projects! However, Cartograf is NOT meant for long-term map creations or corporate use. Teachers looking to store work permanently should contact us! And others can see our Tech pages to install their own version..
Visit the Help/Aide page! page for instructions and video tutorials on Creating Maps, Navigation tips, Drawing Tools, adding images and other documents to locations and shape areas, etc. Discover exactly how to share a map, and use Cartograf as a collaborative tool, where students can work together on projects using a simple share-code only they know.Image, Icons and other Credits
Please visit the bottom of our Contact page for information and specific licenses regarding some of the icons and graphics we have used. Find us some new icons! If you have an icon you like on https://mapicons.mapsmarker.com, let us know!Cliquez pour la version française..
Public Map Scenarios
Below are some shared mapping scenarios by LEARN and partners. They can be used in your classes, or they can provide models for teachers to use while preparing their own scenarios for student use. If you want to share your scenario and have it appear here, email us. See also our SCÉNARIOS EN FRANÇAIS
All Levels
Elementary Geography, History & Citizenship
- Indigenous Territories in 1500 (RECITUS)
- New France Territory vs Indigenous 1645
- New France Territory vs Indigenous 1745
- The Seigneurial System (RECITUS)
- English territories in North America, 1763 (LPBSB)
- The Quebec Act, 1774 (LBPSB)
- The Constitutional Act of 1791 (LBPSB)
- Compare Quebec in 1905 and 1980 (LBPSB)
- Explore Nunavik: The Inuit around 1980 and 2020
- Nationalization of Electricity (LBPSB)
- Montreal in 1820 (RECITUS)
- Sedentarization - Agriculture, Settlements,Trade
- Mesopotamia-The Emergence of a Civilization
- Metropolises around the world (EMSB)
- Cairo: A Metropolitan Territory
- Cairo: Issues in the Metropolis
- Montreal, a Metropolis
- Quebec City as Heritage site
- Protected territories around the world
- Montreal & New York (transportation, economy)
- Simple Map of Mexico (Mexico City, Migration)
- Brazilian Amazon (Forest Region)
- California's agricultural territory (RECITUS)
English Language Arts (ELA)
- Take me to your culture! (EMSB)
- Map your Literature Circle Novel (EMSB)
- Map your Author (EMSB)
- Trace the Voyage of the Odeyak (EMSB)
- Informational Text: Travel Pamphlet
- Roman Empire (RECITUS)
- Christianization of West 1 - Situating...
- How did Indigenous people occupy the land? (RECITUS)
- Mercantilism trade and key players
- Reformation in Europe factors
- Rebellions of 1837-38
- World War 1 - Causes: Alliances and Key Events
- World War 1 - War Effort and Battles